Thoughts… Why Are We Here? (About Page)

A “my thought to think” is the name I have given to my blog because I hope what I’m writing is just that. Thoughts to Think… About. I think of my mind as a giant filing cabinet and some days I just have to sit and be quiet and file away all the information and thoughts of the day. A thought isn’t a tangible thing but it can be extremely valuable. Thoughts have started businesses, countries, families, philosophies. They’ve ended feuds, wars, disease. Thoughts, our thoughts, have the power to change the world, for good or for bad. That’s why we have to use them wisely. With great power comes great responsibility and thoughts certainly have great power. We have to take every thought captive, committing them to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5) Words can powerfully communicate our thoughts, and I don’t think there’s anything I like better than clearly communicating my thoughts to someone else. My wish is that you, reading this, will discover something for your filing cabinet from these writings. Perhaps a new perspective, or a new idea, or something you have all together never thought of. I would love the chance to forever be a part of that moment for you. I hope here, you will indeed find a thought to think.

One thought on “Thoughts… Why Are We Here? (About Page)

  1. Thoughts are a funny thing. They can be wonderful and magical, taking you places you can only dream of. They are also cruel and terrible, picking at our wounds in the worst way. I think what makes an idea a thought is something grand, but also frightening. We are only allowed to be our true selves inside our mind, and it’s hard to share this with others. Thanks for letting us inside your head.

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